We are putting a call out for people to contribute to a programme called Do It Yourself Together. This would provide an opportunity for members in Y&H to discuss topics or work areas of interest or share their work with others whilst networking and learning from each other.
We are asking CHWA members to propose ideas for sessions or events that they would like to run...formal, informal, debate, creative, information sharing, live, virtual…other...it's up to you.
The DIY together bit aims at pooling our collective resources, creativity and intelligence...sharing what we have so your proposed event would need to be organised and funded by you, with support from CHWA Champions to develop ideas, contribute on the day if that's useful and offer admin support to reach other members.
If you would like to host a session of Do It Yourself Together, please contact Sue or Deborah for a discussion or with the basic details eg date, time, platform, max numbers, description of event content and format
Email: info@culturehealthandwellbeing.org.uk