Over 500 events later and Creativity & Wellbeing Week is officially a national festival... We're delighted that this partnership with London Arts in Health Forum has taken off so in such a big way. Thank you to everyone who made this happen by taking part, putting on events, visiting projects, discussing your work, and making such a huge impact around the country - as well as making #creativityandwellbeing fly in cyberspace.
- If you organised an event or events, please take 10 minutes to fill in this survey by 9am on Monday 8 July so that we can make next year even better!
- If you took part in or attended an event, please fill in this survey!
(You're very welcome to fill in both surveys, of course...)
The week launched at the South Bank Centre on Monday 10th with a 600-strong crowd watching Mark de Lisser MC a fascinating afternoon of talks, discussions and performance; and went on to take in events from Cornwall to the Shetland Isles before closing at the Wellcome Collection on Friday 16th.
The discussions at various events round the country have already led us to update our Social Prescribing Facts & Links, and redevelop our Research & Evaluation pages. Let us know what you think.
London Arts in Health Forum and the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance are planning next year's event at the moment, and will be able to announce dates soon.