Things you can do

We’re sharing below a thread by Elle Osili-Wood from Twitter (read the thread here if you prefer)

  • We're all angry about George Floyd. So, want to know what you can ACTUALLY do to help? Where to donate? How to organise protests? How to stay safe around police? Where black people can find free therapy? What to read to educate yourself? Here's how you can make a difference:

  • Post on social media. If you support change but don’t know what to say, say that, or share helpful resources. If you’re white, public comments help black people know they aren’t fighting alone & remind racists there are white people opposing them.

  • Contact your local Police and Crime Commissioner, and MP. In particular, PCCs are elected to make sure that local police meet the needs of the community - contact yours to express concern about the way black communities are treated. Find your PCC here:

  • Sign or start petitions:

Justice for George Floyd:
Petition the UK Government:
Reply to UK Gov consultations:
Keep an eye out for consultations labelled “Police powers”, or those to do with BAME issues:

  • Document police interactions. If you see a situation involving the police and a black person, document it without obstructing – film with your phone, and if safe, declare your presence. Hopefully, witnesses will make a difference to police behaviour - if not, there’s footage.

  • Don’t always call the police. Calling the police to a situation that involves black people is so dangerous we’ve literally seen it weaponised. For BAME communities, the police are not our first line of defence, so think hard before calling them.

  • Confront everyday racism. If you see racism in your daily life, please calmly and carefully step in, or speak up. If it isn’t safe to do so, please document it with your phone, and try to help afterwards. Don’t let racist behaviour go unchecked, or you’re allowing it flourish.

  • Remember that black people are traumatised. We have to see a constant stream of black people being killed in horrific ways, and watch as our families, friends, and communities are dehumanised. Label distressing material, be careful in conversation, & check in with black friends.

  • Dealing with the police in the UK: helps you protect yourself during police interactions. Here’s what to do during a stop & search: Their app can tell you your rights, record police, send a complaint, & contact lawyers:

  • Always, always, hold police accountable if you have been mistreated, or witnessed it. Here's the CAB guide to complaints: Independent Office for Police Conduct:
    I'd also recommend contacting @StopWatchUK, and the media.

  • Serious about systemic police racism? Fight facial recognition. A NIST study showed it's up to 100 times more likely to incorrectly target ethnic minorities than white men, and a police-organised independent review found it's wrong 81% of the time - but they're using it anyway.

  • Want to protest? Here’s a legal guide on organising a protest from Liberty:

Here's a great guide on the practicalities (weather, signs, press, etc):
Remember, you must inform police:

BBC Bitesize on racism:
Parental toolkit from NBC:
Factsheets and films from Show Racism the Red Card: 

If you need immediate support with suicidal thoughts:
Free BAME therapy services:
Coping with racial trauma:

Lastly, to quote the ever inspiring @repjohnlewis [Congressman John Lewis], don't be afraid to get into #GoodTrouble. If you see a situation where you can help, do. Use civil disobedience to fight power. Protest about things that matter, & use your privilege to protect those who can't protect themselves.


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