The Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance is recruiting new members to the Barnsley Creativity and Wellbeing Group
The Creativity and Wellbeing Group is jointly led by Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC) and the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance (CHWA). Our vision is to support people in Barnsley to live fuller, healthier lives through creativity. Members of the group aim to bring this vision to life through strategic decision-making and action.
We aim to attract up to 5 new members to the group with diverse skills and experience. For example, you might be someone working with communities (paid or unpaid) to improve health and wellbeing through creative approaches, or someone who has benefitted from a creative health project as a participant.
Download full details here as a pdf or as a word document.
Or Listen to the details here as an audio file.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Midnight, Monday 23rd October