DCMS Tackling Loneliness Network survey - closing 22 November

Feed into the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports Tackling Loneliness Network's task force, exploring how life can be improved for older people during the pandemic.

This group is comprised of organisations who support, and care about, people in later life. 

The task force is investigating how the pandemic has affected services/charities which combat loneliness for those in later life, and the people who use them or volunteer for them. 

We have two surveys which will help us gather information to inform our recommendations: 

  • The first asks about people’s personal experience of the COVID pandemic and whether it has affected their feelings of loneliness. It also later asks for anyone with volunteering experience during the pandemic to share their thoughts: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/96MNVDK 
  • The second seeks views of organisations who deliver services to people in later life which aim to combat loneliness: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/V27VWX5 

If appropriate, please complete the second survey from your organisation's perspective and share the first survey on your public facing channels and with people who use your services and your volunteers. The surveys will close on 22 November