The National Centre for Creative Health (NCCH) and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPG) Creative Health Review will highlight the potential for creative health to help tackle pressing issues in health and social care and more widely, including health inequalities and the additional challenges we face as we recover from Covid-19.
Since the publication of Creative Health five years ago, there have been significant developments in research and practice. Our understanding of the ways that creativity can influence health is continuously evolving and within the NHS and social care there is growing recognition of the important role that creative health can play in supporting our health and wellbeing.
For the Creative Health Review a panel of commissioners, with a wide breadth of expertise, will translate the findings into recommendations for policymakers to encourage and inform the development of a cross-governmental creative health strategy.
Call for your contributions
You can email contributions to [email protected]. We will be happy to receive written submissions or audio files, and you can contact us to discuss contributions in alternative formats. It would be helpful to keep written contributions to maximum 4 sides of A4, but if you have pre-prepared reports or materials, please feel free to send those through. If your answer relates specifically to one of the key themes please state this in the subject title.
Find out more about our commissioners HERE >>
The Review was launched on Thursday 13 October - you can watch the Launch HERE >>
Key themes
Central to the Review will be a series of themed roundtables held between Autumn 2022 and Spring 2023. These sessions will present the most up-to-date evidence and showcase examples of creative health approaches and activities with demonstrable benefits to health. They will highlight how creative health can address pressing policy issues and assist Government to fulfil its strategic aims. The themes will be:
- Mental Health and Wellbeing across the Life Course
- Health Inequalities
- Social Care
- End of Life Care
- Education and Training
- Cost-effectiveness, Evidencing Value for Money and Funding Models
- Leadership and Strategy - Embedding Creative Health in Integrated Care Systems
You can find out more about the themes and the roundtables and watch the ones that have already happened HERE >>
Our commissioners will draw from these roundtables to make their recommendations.